Frequently Asked Questions
Search Results
42 FAQs matched your search criteria.
- Can I change the display language of the SmartAirCon App ?
- Can SmartAirCon control my home air-conditioners and fans ?
- Does IR Motedem need updating?
- Does SmartAirCon App cost extra money?
- Does the host (old smart phone / tablet) connected to SmartAirCon need to be open all the time? Will the screen be too bright during night and affect users’ sleeping?
- How can SmartAirCon save electricity? How much energy it can save?
- How do I know if the SmartAirCon App I downloaded and installed is a Host or a Client?
- How do I know that my IR Motedem is working?
- How long do I need to use to recover the cost of purchase for SmartAirCon?
- How many devices can a SmartAirCon IR Motedem control?
- How to add other users if my family also wants to access SmartAirCon?
- How to control more than one air conditioner / fan with one SmartAirCon IR Motedem?
- How to install?
- How to update the latest SmartAirCon App?
- I have several SmartAirCon Motedem without posting stickers of Serial Number and Auth code, so I cannot separate which Motedem using which code, will this have any effect?
- If I set up two or more fans/ air-conditioners in SmartAirCon app, how to switch control to another appliances?
- If I want to control another air conditioner / fan that is not inside the IR range of SmartAirCon IR Motedem, do I need to buy another IR Motedem?
- If my smartphone / tablet (as host) is iOS and my mobile phone (as client) is Android, can I connect them with IR Motedem?
- If the farthest connection distance of Bluetooth is only 60 meters, how can SmartAirCon perform offsite control mentioned in the promotion?
- If there are more than one fan / air conditioner​ of the same model within the infrared transmission range, can SmartAirCon chooses to control only one of them?
- Is my old tablet / smartphone workable as the host?
- Is my smartphone / tablet compatible with SmartAirCon App?
- Is there ceiling on the number of users?
- My friend's home already has a registered SmartAirCon IR Motedem, can I borrow it directly?
- My phone which installed SmartAirCon is gone, can my SmartAirCon still be used?
- My Smartphone / Tablet has an auto lock function, which automatically locks into the rest mode every 3 ~ 5 minutes. Will it affect the operation of SmartAirCon ?
- SmartAirCon need to be plugged in all the time. Would it waste energy?
- The serial Number and Auth code in box can not be used, what should I do?
- What is Host and Client?
- What is SmartAirCon app? What is the role?
- What is the infrared transmission range of Smartaircon?
- What is the manufacturer of SmartAirCon?
- What is the maximum bluetooth connection distance between SmartAirCon IR Motedem and smartphone / tablet?
- What should I do if I lost my SmartAirCon IR Motedem Serial Number and Auth code ?
- When I select the IR code, there are several codes which can also control my air-conditioning / fan,so which one should I choose?
- Where can I find SmartAirCon App?
- Why I can not receive the verify email when I register?
- Why SmartAirCon temperature reading doesn't reflect the real room temperature?
- Why the operation page of my SmartAirCon App become gray?
- Why the package not include plug and wire?
- Will SmartAirCon replace the original remote control and make it out off function?
- Will someone else access my IR Motedem to control my air-conditioners?