Frequently Asked Questions

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36 FAQs matched your search criteria.
  1. After the RT400 IC or cloud library licensing is paid, what guarantees are there to maintain the service and to protect customers or users from the discontinue of the service – in case of Remotec closing down or other unforeseeable circumstances?
  2. Are there any devices or regions that are not supported?
  3. Are there any examples or sample scripts that can be provided to speed up the development process?
  4. Are there any other additional costs apart from the RT400 IC and code library licensing unit costs?
  5. Can your databases be implemented into our system? What limitations are there?
  6. Could we use your API and database and place it in our own designated server?
  7. Do you have any further information for the RT400 IC that can be provided for review?
  8. How and how often is your database updated?
  9. How can I test the coverage of the IR code database?
  10. How can I test the functions of the RT400 IC to evaluate the hardware?
  11. How do you ensure that the server or your RemoteBLE API is safe?
  12. How does Remotec maintain the cloud IR database and compare with other companies that claim to have more than X number of codes or how it supports X number of devices, more than the industry standard or Remotec?
  13. How is our Database distributed?
  14. How is pricing for RT400 and Cloud Library Licensing quoted? Are there different types of RT400 IC’s and Cloud Library Licenses for different applications?
  15. How is the cloud database server maintained? What are the procedures if the cloud database server is down?
  16. How is the cloud IR database maintained, what process is carried out to ensure the quality of IR code database?
  17. How will users know what changes are implemented in the database?
  18. If Remotec’s database is used to develop my own product and application, what form of support will be provided?
  19. If there are specific brands that I would like include in the database that is not currently supported, what will be the procedure of the inclusion?
  20. If we were to develop a product/service/application using your database, what form of RF protocol are you experienced in?
  21. Is there a list for your coverage and supported devices?
  22. Is there a list of your coverage, supported models and/or devices?
  23. What are the key factors in their usage of our code library licensing?
  24. What changes are made on an annual basis to your database, company or devices?
  25. What format is your IR data in? What formats are supported?
  26. What is difference between RT400 and IR code library licensing?
  27. What is IR code library licensing?
  28. What is IR learning and how is it used?
  29. What is RemoteBLE?
  30. What is required to access the Remoteble API?
  31. What is RT400?
  32. What is the difference between storing the IR code library in the cloud, app and locally?
  33. What is the standard lead time for the creation of a database or server build for a customer?
  34. What type of devices does your IR database support?
  35. Where is the IR code library stored at and what services are used?
  36. Why is the database separated by regions?

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