Frequently Asked Question

How does ZXT-120 work with Vera gateway?
Last Updated 7 years ago

NOTE: Please do exclusion before inclusion, which is to make sure the ZXT120 is not included in other network.
1. Enter the Vera User Interface, and go to “Devices” option.


2. Then click ”add device”. You will enter the Add Devices page. Then choose “other device”→ “other Z‐wave device”

3. Click “other Z‐wave device” and follow the step, Gateway will issue an order for pairing the devices.


Gateway issue an order: add new devices now…


Please press the black button on the device ZXT-120 within one minute so that the device ZXT-120 will be added to the Gateway.

Please note that Please exclude the device ZXT-120 from other gateways if it was included in another gateway or just press and hold the botton on ZXT-120 for 10 seconds for reset the device.

When device is successfully added, you will see as below. Then wait for around 1 minite.
Users could rename the devices as well as the devices can be distributed to different rooms.


Click “finish” while added successfully.


Refund to the gateway main interface after finishing. Then you will see the AC controller operation interface.

4. AC IR Code Selection.


Pull down the interface and click device option.


You will see“Add configuration settings”and set the parameter as the box below.

The configuration variable refers to parameter number (27 for code selection, the desired value refer to ZXT‐120 code list). Data Size=2byte as usual(Data Size, you can select either 2 byte dec, or 4 byte dec, both works). For example the GREE AC desired value is 18 as configured below. Save changes after setting successfully.


Please Note That: Due to every AC brand has many different models while each model has a single IR Code please check and set the codes from the Code list one by one until you find the right one.(Usually the most used codes are at the front row. )

5. IR Learning
ZXT-120 might not include all the IR codes of the ACs in the entire market. Therefore our ZXT-120 supports IR Learning function for in case of the users might not find the property IR Code while setting. Operate as below (For example Learning the close setting for the original remote.):

We reserved 23 locations for IR codes and we mapped to Zwave Basic set and Zwave thermostat set command.
Location 0 and 1 is Power OFF and ON
Location 2 to 11 is cool mode with different temperature.
Location 12 to 22 is heat mode with different temperature.
For example, when you set Heat mode and 23oC at Vera gateway, ZXT120 will send the IR code located at 16.
When you set Basic Set ON at Vera gateway, ZXT120 will send the IR code located at 1.

Please do following steps for the IR learning:

Step1: Set parameter (27) with value “0000”, trigger ZXT120 to IR learning mode.
Step2: Set parameter (25) with location, tell ZXT120, we are going to learn which IR code.

For example, if we are going to learn AC Power OFF, we set parameter 25 with value 0.
Step 3: Point the original remote to ZXT120

Step 4: Press Power OFF button on the original remote.
If learning success, LED flashes twice, repeat step2 to 4 with different location value.
If learning fail, LED flashes 6 times, repeat step2 to 4 with same location value.
For more details, please refer ZXT120 user manual.

6. the thermostat control UI to control your air‐conditioner
Choose “scene” then click“add scene”


As below,go to “select a device”, Choose ZXT‐120.



Choose the desired temperature, like when indoor temperature is 21 degree, AC will shut off automatically. Operate as below.

Click“select devices”,


Setting the indoor temperature as 21 degree while closing the AC and then save it.

Go on next step, like renaming and so on. Then save it. Now the scene has been set successful. When the indoor temperature becomes 21 degree the AC will shut off automatically.

7. Timing switch air conditioning setting. The operating steps are similar to “the thermostat control UI to control the AC”.

Choose ”schedule” for time setting.

8. Save and go on the next step. For the following operations please refer to the step of “the thermostat control UI to control the AC” .

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