Frequently Asked Question
What is the meaning of “swing”, “differential”, and “dead band”?
Last Updated 7 years ago
Key words: swing differential dead band Heat mode cool mode auto mode
Here are the explanations:
HEAT mode:
Thermostat controls the temperature according to the following diagram:
Example : If Heat Set point = 70°F, Swing = 1°F, Differential = 2°F, then
1st stage heater turns on when room temp is 69°F and off at 71°F.
2nd stage heater turns on when room temp is 67°F and off at 70°F.

COOL mode:
Thermostat controls the temperature according to the following diagram:
Example : If Cool Set point = 80°F, Swing = 1°F, Differential = 2°F, then
1st stage cooler turns on when room temp is 81°F and off at 79°F.
2nd stage cooler turns on when room temp is 83°F and off at 80°F.

AUTO mode:
Thermostat controls the temperature according to the following diagram.
Press "+" / "–" buttons to adjust the appropriate set point. It will adjust the set point that is closer to the current room temperature.
• If the current temperature is close to heat set point, then it will change the heat set point value.
• If the current temperature is close to cool set point, then it will change the cool set point value.
• If the difference between the two is equal, then it will change the heat set point value by default.
• There is a dead band 4°F / 2°C (by default) between heat set point and cool set point. If user select heat set point is 73°F, then the minimum of cool set point will be limited to 77°F.
If Room temperature = 75°F, Dead band = 4°F, Swing = 1°F, Differential = 1°F
Heat Set point = 73°F, Cool Set point = 77°F
Then it will change the heat set point by “+”/ “–”buttons.
If keep 73°F in heat set point, then the minimum of cool set point will be limited to 77°F,
1st stage heater turns on when room temp is 72°F and off at 74°F.
2nd stage heater turns on when room temp is 71°F and off at 73°F.

Here are the explanations:
HEAT mode:
Thermostat controls the temperature according to the following diagram:
Example : If Heat Set point = 70°F, Swing = 1°F, Differential = 2°F, then
1st stage heater turns on when room temp is 69°F and off at 71°F.
2nd stage heater turns on when room temp is 67°F and off at 70°F.
COOL mode:
Thermostat controls the temperature according to the following diagram:
Example : If Cool Set point = 80°F, Swing = 1°F, Differential = 2°F, then
1st stage cooler turns on when room temp is 81°F and off at 79°F.
2nd stage cooler turns on when room temp is 83°F and off at 80°F.
AUTO mode:
Thermostat controls the temperature according to the following diagram.
Press "+" / "–" buttons to adjust the appropriate set point. It will adjust the set point that is closer to the current room temperature.
• If the current temperature is close to heat set point, then it will change the heat set point value.
• If the current temperature is close to cool set point, then it will change the cool set point value.
• If the difference between the two is equal, then it will change the heat set point value by default.
• There is a dead band 4°F / 2°C (by default) between heat set point and cool set point. If user select heat set point is 73°F, then the minimum of cool set point will be limited to 77°F.
If Room temperature = 75°F, Dead band = 4°F, Swing = 1°F, Differential = 1°F
Heat Set point = 73°F, Cool Set point = 77°F
Then it will change the heat set point by “+”/ “–”buttons.
If keep 73°F in heat set point, then the minimum of cool set point will be limited to 77°F,
1st stage heater turns on when room temp is 72°F and off at 74°F.
2nd stage heater turns on when room temp is 71°F and off at 73°F.