Frequently Asked Question

What is multi-channel device?
Last Updated 6 years ago

Key words: Multi-channel Z-wave command class wall switch/dimmer power strip

The multi-channel command class used to control one or more end points in a given device that supports this command class. There are several kinds of multi-channel products in the market such as Z-Wave wall switch / dimmer and power strip. It is able to control the end-point individually.




Please refer to the target device user manual for more information such as Inclusion / Exclusion and add End Point to a Scene / Group.

imageSome multi-channel device in the market may lack of the capability to report Multi-Channel Capability Report (MCCR) for each end point (channel). (The MCCR is used to determine what node shall receive the association commands containing what node in the network it shall be associated to.) In this case, the multi-channel device can only be individually controlled by ZRC-100 under Device Menu, it can not be individually assigned to different scenes, and neither can it be associated to primary sensors (e.g. door/window sensor). There are many brands can supports multi-channel with MCRR in the market such as Merten, MK Astral, Fibaro, etc… If you want to assign individual end-point (channel) to different scene or make individual Association with other devices, we recommend you to check with your local dealer to make sure the multi-channel device can report Multi-Channel Capability Report (MCCR) for each end point.

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